Pakistan’s biggest Entrepreneurial Expo of the year
True Depiction of AISA HY PAKISTAN
The Superior Group is an exalted group of excellence due to its innovative approach to ensuring student success and driving excellence in learning, innovation, and research. APSUP, the Association of Private Sector Universities of Pakistan, presented the largest Expo in Pakistan, SEE Pakistan 2022, powered by CMACED. Chaudhary Muhammad Akram Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CMACED) is an ebullient unit of this university and is all about transmuting students’ lives to ultimate success.
SEE Pakistan 2022 is an embodiment of the entrepreneurial dreams of Pakistani youth. APSUP offered a unique platform for emerging entrepreneurs to exhibit their innovative products at SEE Pakistan. At SEE Pakistan, the underlying passion of aspiring entrepreneurs to do something beyond imagination finds a firm ground as innovation seeks applicability and creativity meets feasibility. Hundreds of successful startups had showcased at SEE Pakistan, out of which numerous have brought great accolades for Pakistan by winning national and international entrepreneurial competitions.
“A balanced mix of visibility, exhibition and networking opportunities”
Prof. Dr. Ch. Abdul Rehman, Chairman of The Superior Group, Chairman of APSUP, President of PAMI (Pakistan Association of Medical and Dental Institutions), and Director of PBA (Pakistan Broadcast Association), believes that APSUP is strengthening youth to define the scope and priorities in creating an environment powered by academic excellence and an entrepreneurial mindset. Innovation is a glaring feature of this century, and APSUP is all set to provide avenues for students to take this change confidently and set rends in whatever they envision. Today, we stand with a conviction at APSUP to facilitate Pakistani youth and make the WORLD SEE PAKISTAN AS OUR WAY TO CHANGE MINDSETS. SEE PAKISTAN is now a revolution that encourages young minds to explore their true potential and become the MASTERS OF THEIR OWN FATE.
“What Pakistan needs today is a collaborative effort to groom, nurture, and develop youth to pursue their dreams with passion, courage, and dedication.”
This Expo was about exhibiting the creative and innovative Pakistan in front of the world, providing a platform for building inclusivity among industry, investors, NGOs, influencers, and academicians. We hosted festivity for independence celebrations, promoting the potential and diversity of entrepreneurship in Pakistan. We let the world see the true colors of Pakistan on this independence and experience how much this nation is enthusiastic and has to offer to the world.
This continuously changing world needs a robust/vigorous entrepreneurial revolution, and we have always supported collaborating with others for a Superior Pakistan. SEE Pakistan was powered by CMACED along with it; this Expo had something which had never happened before. Along with Superior University, two other universities that were the co-hosts of this year’s biggest entrepreneurial Expo are The University of Lahore and the other is The University of Faisalabad. APSUP brought this revolution, and we cordially supported this; after all, the theme of this Expo was to show the world the softer image of Pakistan. Mr. HAIDER AMIN Chairman BOG The University of Faisalabad and MR. AWAIS RAOOF Chairman BOG The University of Lahore, President APSUP Punjab Chapter was representing on behalf of their universities as co-hosts.
Rector Superior University, Director CMACED Prof. Dr. Sumaira Rehman welcomed everyone who had gathered at SEE Pakistan ’22 to witness the innovative and creative Pakistan. She said in her speech, “I feel proud by seeing such passion and entrepreneurial revolution. Youth is the most important asset of Pakistan, and they make up 97% of the total population, so if someone can make an economically superior Pakistan is its youth. Our youth is going to be vital if we are to realize the dream of bringing about an entrepreneurial revolution that will change the fate of this great country of ours. SEE Pakistan is an excellent initiative and a step in the right direction.”
A multitudinous array of venerated guests and keynote speakers were part of this Expo. Vice Chancellor FC College Dr. Johnathan was the keynote speaker, and in his speech, he said, “I appreciate APSUP for celebrating this revolution on the 75th celebration of Pakistan. This event is not just about innovation and creativity but also networking, connecting, all of us as partners, not competitors.” Minister of industries, commerce, and investment Govt. of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, joined us as a chief guest. In his speech, he said, “I believe youth is the future of Pakistan, and thousands of youngsters stay unemployed per year as there are fewer jobs in the market than the rate of passing graduates. So it is the need of the hour for our youngsters to stand on their feet and create jobs instead of seeking employment.” Chairman PHEC, Prof. Dr. Shahid Munir, joined us as a guest of honor; during his address, he said, “There is a dire need to change the contemporary method of education and convert it into research-based education. We have to produce researchers in vast interdisciplinary fields to become a leading nation in the research field that will help change the future of Pakistan.” Vice Chancellor Quaid-e-Azam University Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali also attended the event, and in his address to the audience, he said,” I congratulate Pakistan for this revolution and believe if we are not able to identify the problem, then we can never find the solutions. Youth of Pakistan is creative and innovative; all they need are the platforms promoting entrepreneurial culture.” Furthermore, Director Din Group, Mr. SM Imran, joined as a guest of honor. During his address, he said, “I believe Pakistan has been blessed with innumerable resources, and entrepreneurship is the tool to get Pakistan out of the shackles that Pakistan is in right now.”
“It is not about the ideas; it is about making ideas happen.”
National Startup Championship 2022 is Pakistan’s Largest Startup Competition. In NSE, startups from all walks of life, from all over the country, and all economic sectors were encouraged to participate. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset in Pakistan to foster the growth of small and medium businesses can be a key indicator of economic and social development. The key objective of organizing such exhibitions is to enhance students’ confidence and enable them to present their business ideas to the world. Despite promising trends, Pakistan still has a long way to go before becoming a mature startup market. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) 2020, Pakistan ranks 109 out of 137 countries. Regional Rounds for this championship were held in Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Bahawalpur, Multan, Peshawar, and Quetta in July, and final evaluations were held in Lahore. 1000+ entrepreneurs submitted their applications from 05 Provinces, 81 Cities, 07 Regions, 50+ Mentors, 25+ Investors, an opportunity for 1M Cash Prize, and 129 Universities (48: Private and 81: Public) participated in this competition. 524 startups from the ideation stage, 326 from the growth stage, and 36 from the acceleration stage were selected to compete. Out of 1000+ startups, only 100 startups got selected to participate in the final round of the Expo.
“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.”
Out of 100 notable startups, only three awe-inspiring startups got the winning positions. Team HZ Systems got the astounding victory as the winner of the Ideation stage in SEE Pakistan ’22 and won the prize money of 2 lac PKR. The second winner who acquired an excellent victory was Team Milkify from the Growth stage and won the prize money of 3 lac PKR. Team Mobiliti got the awe-inspiring victory as a winner in the Acceleration stage and won the prize money of 5 lac PKR. In association with PAMA Studio, SEE Pakistan has brought the biggest All Pakistan National Song Competition, “Battle of the Bands.” It was organized to celebrate and encourage the efforts of our superstars from all over Pakistan. Umpteen bands of rising rockstars from all over Pakistan have participated in it. The band that won the first prize is the KHAAK Band from Islamia University Bahawalpur, which got the prize money of 1lac PKR. May these awards be the stepping stones for their future endeavors. In SEE Pakistan, 100+ Startups participated, 50+ Judges examined the startups, 81+ Cities, 129+ Universities, 30,000+ Attendees from 05 provinces, 10+ investors, and 25+ Mentors joined this venture. There was 1 Million+ prize money and 10M+ investment opportunities for the blooming entrepreneurs.

In this 21st century, acquiring a skill set is the new mantra of success. Alhamdulillah, we are developing individuals for particular industries and facilitating them to achieve their goals with distinction. This journey of change from Job seekers to job creators is bearing fruits. Startups are now focusing on identifying opportunities and providing a perfect plan to develop them into possibilities for real businesses paving the way toward an economically Superior Pakistan. We always celebrate Pakistan’s birthday with the hope that new ideas will flourish every year and add value with their uniqueness, which ultimately encourages others to turn the tables through IDEAS. This challenging time calls for excellence and sustainability, and together, we are moving in the right direction to make the World SEE PAKISTAN a difference. May Allah Almighty help us nurture a generation that will Insha’Allah lead a Superior Pakistan.