

Superior’s Entrepreneurship Education Model (SEEM)

ETTP follows Superior’s Entrepreneurship Education Model (SEEM) to craft entrepreneurship. It is a method for developing the entrepreneurial mindset and skill set needed to launch a new business and make a change in an established company to create social and economic impact. It is a practice- based approach to developing an entrepreneurial leader. The traditional models are based on outcomes but SEEM allows us to balance effects and development with the help of a university- based ecosystem. SEEM consists of an innovative classroom model in which we curate the latest pedagogies and tools as a resource for all teachers. We used role plays, videos, activities, forums, poster exhibitions, and screening rounds to engage students and improve their learning experience. To enhance students’ experiential learning experiences, SEEM proposed a capacity-building program for faculty members. Monitoring and evaluation are used for continuous improvement of performance: what students can do with their learning. Students’ exposure increases by providing platforms to exhibit their ideas in front of national and internationally renowned entrepreneurs and secure investment.


Our Unique Interdisciplinary Approach to Entrepreneurship Education

ETTP provides 7 distinct courses in entrepreneurship education, including Technopreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Entrepreneurship, Archipreneurship, Engineering Entrepreneurship, Media Entrepreneurship, and Avipreneurship, designed to fulfill program-specific learning outcomes.

Coach Capacity Building Program (CCBP)

Enhancing the Capacity of Superior’s Faculty

Capacity-building is the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt and thrive in a fast-changing world. This program enables institutes and their leaders to develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective and sustainable, thus increasing the potential for solving problems. Therefore, ETTP organizes the Coach Capacity Building Program in every session with a lot of innovation and creativity. The purpose of CCBP is to empower its coaches in developing an entrepreneurial mindset and teaching skills in key areas of their expertise. Moreover, this program empowers and enables faculty to practice entrepreneurship and lets them guide students to establish self-owned businesses to increase their contribution to our economy.

ETTP Impact 2016-2023

Our Social and Economic Impact 2016-23


Our Few Success Stories

Our Partnerships & Collaborations